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    IAEA’s First Joint Russia-INPRO School Provides Nuclear Energy Insights to Experts from 14 Countries

    More than 40 participants from 14 countries attended the IAEA’s first joint Russia-INPRO School, where Agency and international experts shared their insights on ways to ensure that nuclear energy remains


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    Brief history

    The Radiological and Medical Sciences Research Institute (RAMSRI) established under the Ghana Atomic Energy Commission (GAEC), was founded in January 2009 in order to contribute to public health delivery and research in Ghana. It was established as the fourth research institute within GAEC.

    Currently, the Atomic Energy Act 204 of 1963, has been replaced by the Atomic Energy Act 588 of 2000, which established the Ghana Atomic Energy Commission (GAEC). Under Act 588, RPI was established to provide technical support to the then Radiation Protection Board (RPB) established under GAEC by PNDCL 308 of 1993 to perform regulatory functions.
